
We, The 十大彩票平台技术社区学院 Anti-racism and 包容 Alliance (AIA) aim to build on our identity as a “Peoples 大学” and the only career and technical community college leader in the State of Massachusetts, 努力加强我们对种族平等的承诺, 我们社区和机构的文化体验. We honor this commitment at the national, state, local, and institutional levels. At the national level we recognize systemic and institutionalized racism with a specific focus on higher education and the community college environment and the past, 现在, 未来的种族主义政策, 实践, as being embedded in our society and function as an institution.  We realize inequitable 政策 and 实践 serve to perpetuate systematic oppression and fosters a variety of problematic challenges faced by our students, 教师, and 工作人员 creating barriers to academic success and degree completion, 也阻碍了学院的整体发展. 


2020年秋季,十大彩票平台总裁John B. Cook sponsored the creation of a new 反种族主义和包容联盟 to move forward actions that address our own 股本 gaps and measure our success at confronting systemic racism. This Alliance will work to promote an integrated and systemic approach across the college-specific to diversity, 包容, 和股票, with the stated outcome of ensuring 十大彩票平台 serves as an antiracist institution.


十大彩票平台 must continue to move forward with actions that address our own 股本 gaps, 衡量我们在解决系统性种族主义方面的成功. This Alliance will work to promote an integrated and systemic approach across the college-specific to diversity, 包容, 和股票, with the stated outcome of ensuring 十大彩票平台 serves as an antiracist institution.

十大彩票平台支持真正的政策改革,带来正义, 保障人权, 解决刑事司法不平等问题. We know community colleges are specific in that our existence helps to ameliorate educational racism, 已, 并继续限制, 学生上大学的地方. 作为一所负担得起的大学,我们感到非常自豪, 专注于限制十大彩票平台毕业生的学生债务.

我们清楚自己的机构核心价值, which includes Integrity (“committed to fostering an environment that promotes truth”); Respect (“creating an inclusive environment for all”); and a 学生-Centered approach (“providing a diverse educational experience that promotes personal and professional growth”).


十大彩票平台 is proud of our work to be inclusive, diverse, and an institution of access. We are unique given our status as both a Hispanic-Serving Institution (HSI) and a technical community college.

We continue listening and responding to our communities’ need for educational access and affordability; we continue pushing at barriers that impact retention and graduation rates for our students of color; and we continue pulling down walls that limit African American and Latinx student participation in our 健康 and STEM programs. This is our ethic of care; this is our work helping students transform their lives.


  • Dr. Kiyota Garcia,学生活动主任
  • Dr. Emilie Clucas Leaderman, Assistant Dean of Liberal and Professional Studies
  • Monica Strzempko,生物学教授


To express your interest in serving as a member of the Antiracist & 请发电子邮件给十大彩票平台的“共融联盟” AIA@sz-keshiwei.com.


AIA@十大彩票平台包括一个具有广泛代表性的教师群体, 工作人员, 管理员, 和学生, 我们机构的职责如下:

  • Examine how and where the college invests and supports diversity, 股本, 包容, 反种族主义倡议, 实践, 和政策
  • Strengthen communication efforts across the college-specific to 股本, 包容, 反种族主义工作.
  • 研究和探索同行机构的最佳实践, 以及正在考虑的COVID-19问题, 可能会参观其他校园.
  • 以及高级管理人员, establish a framework for antiracism that is included in current and future planning.
  • Provide progress reports and recommendations specific to initiatives, 实践, 和政策, 致总统, 受托人, 以及整个校园.
  • 支持 pedagogy and curricular development through robust 教师 support which scales inclusive and innovative teaching.
  • 参与关于过程的共享治理主体, progress, 制定目标和建议.
  • 探索 institutional diversity data and statistics with relevant offices on campus to identify areas for improvement.