
从其他学校转学的学生(如. 四年制大专或大学(社区学院).

  • 探索学术项目

    参观 度 & 证书 page to see all of our credit program offerings or to narrow down your options based on your interests or a particular area of study.

    此外,十大彩票平台还提供许多短期贷款 劳动力发展中心 机会, 也为我们的社区提供了一些其他的教育机会, 包括英语(ESOL)课程.

    如果你有问题, please contact the Admissions office at 413-755-3333, 电子邮件 Admissions@sz-keshiwei.com,或到19号楼168室.

  • 完整的入学申请


    Transfer 信贷s: 十大彩票平台 welcomes transfer students from other 大学s and Universities, and our Admissions staff will ensure that you receive proper credit for the coursework you have successfully completed elsewhere. 指 招生政策 查阅有关转学分政策的资料.

    如果您有任何疑问,请联系招生办公室413-755-3333,电子邮件 Admissions@sz-keshiwei.com,或到19号楼168室.

  • Complete the FAFSA (Free Application for 学生 金融援助) if you need financial assistance to pay for 大学

    有关财政援助流程以及如何申请的更多信息,请访问 如何申请经济资助.

    十大彩票平台联邦学校守则: 005549

    It is strongly recommended that you complete your FAFSA by the Priority Date May 1st to avoid delays in:

    • 获得符合资格的最高金额的援助
    • 获得十大彩票平台虚拟停车许可证
    • 领取书店代金券

    如果你的FAFSA没有完成或提交, you may risk not being able to attend college unless you have other means to pay for your classes.

    If you have any questions, please contact the 学生 Financial Services at 413-755-4214, 电子邮件 SFS@sz-keshiwei.com,或到19号楼287室.

  • 如果需要,请联系残疾人服务办公室

    If you have a documented disability and want information about academic accommodations, 或者需要安排参加分班考试, 请致电413-755-4785联系残疾人服务办公室, 电子邮件 disability-services@sz-keshiwei.com,或到19号楼141室.

    欲了解更多信息,请访问 残疾人服务.

  • 登录十大彩票平台NET学生门户和电子邮件帐户

    You should receive login information in the mail within 2 weeks of being accepted to the college. 技术支持请联系学生服务台(413)755-4016或电子邮件 usersupport@sz-keshiwei.com .

  • 填写/提交CORI/SORI表格(如适用)

    Must be completed if enrolled in School of 健康 and Patient Simulation programs or the Early Childhood Education program. 要查看完整的程序列表以及是否需要CORI/SORI,请访问 卫生服务.

    如果你有问题 please contact the 健康 and 健康中心 at 413-755-4230, 电子邮件 healthservices@sz-keshiwei.com,或到19号楼177室.

  • 提交健康表格

    For more information on what forms you need based on whether you are a full-time (enrolled in 12 or more credits) or part-time (enrolled in 11 credits or less) student and your academic program, 去 卫生服务.

    如果你有问题 please contact the 健康 and 健康中心 at 413-755-4230, 电子邮件 healthservices@sz-keshiwei.com,或到19号楼177室.

  • 参加分班考试(须附有照片)

    Please refer to your acceptance packet for information on type(s) of placement test required, 或免除状态,由于转移学分. 如果需要,请到测试和评估中心参加分班考试. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 位置的评估.

    如果你有问题 please contact the 测试 and Assessment Center 413-755-4709, 电子邮件 testing-assessment-center@sz-keshiwei.com,或到19号楼238室.

  • 注册课程


    如果你有问题, 请致电413-755-4857与学术咨询和转学中心联系, 电子邮件 advisor@sz-keshiwei.com,或到19号楼232室.

  • 取你的RAM卡(学生证)


    • A valid state or government issued photo identification such as a driver's license or passport must be presented at the time your RamCard photo is taken and when RamCards are picked up (the college cannot accept permits for a Ramcard as these are not valid for identification).
    • 学生必须注册上课.

    Please note that it takes approximately one hour for the registration system to relay student information to the RamCard database so students will become eligible to have their RamCard picture taken about one hour after they register (during RamCard business hours).

    If you have any questions contact 学生 Financial Services at 413-755-4214, 电子邮件 SFS@sz-keshiwei.com,或到19号楼287室.

  • 放弃健康保险

    For information about 十大彩票平台 student health insurance plans and step-by-step instructions on how to waive your health insurance, 去 健康保险信息.

    If you have any questions contact 学生 Financial Services at 413-755-4214, 电子邮件 SFS@sz-keshiwei.com,或到19号楼287室.

  • 核实经济援助奖励或安排支付课程

    Pay your bill or set up a payment plan online through your 十大彩票平台Net 学生 Portal account by the payment due date. 如果你的账单没有支付或付款安排还没有建立, 你可能会有失去课程表的风险. 去 的付款信息 to see the schedule of payment due dates, acceptable payment arrangements, and payment methods.

    如果您有问题,请联系学生金融服务413-755-4214,电子邮件 SFS@sz-keshiwei.com,或到19号楼287室.

  • 申请虚拟泊车证或巴士证

    申请虚拟泊车证或巴士证, 付款安排必须到位, either; classes paid in full, 付款计划设置或财务援助文件完整.

    去 停车及交通 有关申请虚拟停车许可证或公交通行证的信息.

    如果您有任何疑问,请致电413-755-4238,电子邮件 parking@sz-keshiwei.com 或到19号楼269室.

  • 买书或租书

    有关使用财政援助书店代金券的信息,请访问 书店券 & 津贴. 如果你有问题 about your book voucher allowance contact 学生 Financial Services at 413-755-4214, 电子邮件 SFS@sz-keshiwei.com,或到19号楼287室.

    To find out information on purchasing the books and materials you will need for your classes or to order your books online, 去 十大彩票平台书店 了解更多信息.

    For questions contact the 书店 at 413-755-4431 or stop by Building 19, 1st Floor.

  • 祝贺你! 你已经准备好开始上课了

    去 校历 查看课程开始的日期!