Employee Excellence 奖

每年, 十大彩票平台技术社区学院(十大彩票平台)自豪地向一贯表现出奉献精神和对学生的承诺的员工颁发员工卓越奖, 教师, 和工作人员. 这些人激励他们周围的人以积极的能量和热情对待他们的工作. 他们创造了一个环境,为我们的学生和校园社区超越是标准.

每年春天, the 十大彩票平台 community, led by the President and executive cabinet, 聚集在一起,以表彰那些一贯表现出色并致力于使命的工作人员, 愿景, and values of Springfield Technical Community 大学. 奖项是 The President’s Award for Innovation in 多样性 & 包括,个人贡献者奖/明星奖,和社区冠军奖.

The awards' criteria demonstrate a commitment to enhancing the culture, 工作, and learning environment for the entire 十大彩票平台 community. For information on the awards and process please see the 十大彩票平台 Employee Excellence 奖 信息 (PDF) or the information below.

一个由代表学院各个领域的教职员工组成的9人委员会, is appointed by the President and Human 资源 Department. 在任何时候,最多只能有一名助理副主席或以上的人担任委员会成员. 成员的任期一般为两年,以提供一定程度的连续性和其他后勤支持.  The Committee will elect one member to serve as Chair for a one-year term, to be chosen at the last meeting of the prior year.

提名同事获得优秀员工奖的投票将再次以电子方式提交,并将于4月5日开始接受, 2024 until April 26, 2024.

提名将由人力资源部审查,以确保候选人的行为和表现反映每个奖项的标准. 得奖者必须在颁奖时已受雇于学院接受颁奖.

The EEA Committee will review the nominations and by May 3, 2024, provide President Cook with the top three recommendations for each award. 获奖者将通过校园范围内的交流宣布,他们的名字将被刻在一块牌匾上,列出他们是2023-2024年的获奖者. The plaque is displayed in the Ira H. Rubenzahl 学生 Learning Commons (B19). 这将是获奖者第四年获得如此殊荣,从而给十大彩票平台社区的人和基础设施留下了明显的印记.

您可以通过点击下面的适当链接并以电子方式提交您的提名,提名一位同事为优秀员工奖. Nominations will be accepted from April 5, 2024 -  April 26, 2024.

目的: 表彰任何通过公平和/或多样性促进大学社区包容的十大彩票平台员工的成就. 被提名人应该表现出对我们学生群体成功的奉献精神, especially those who experience significant barriers.

标准: 被提名人表现出对增加校园环境的包容性的努力持续参与. Encourages honesty, openness, and collaboration for all. 被提名人通过促进校园的多样性和包容性,为实现学生成功计划的目标和推进学院的使命做出了重大贡献.

资格: Must have completed one year of service at the time of nomination. Open to any full or part-time 十大彩票平台 employee.  助理副总裁、副总裁和总裁不符合资格. Nominees whose job description includes these duties are not eligible.

提名: May be submitted by any member of the 大学 community or community at large. Self and/or immediate family member nominations are prohibited. Anonymous submissions are invalid.

Please note, to access the form you must be logged into your 十大彩票平台 电子邮件.

目的: Honors a non-教师 staff member who exceeds performance expectations.

标准: Nominee exceeds performance expectations within the department, while interacting and providing outstanding service. Creates positive impression of their department. Excellence in overall job performance. Willingness to go beyond their job description. Outstanding service to both internal and external customers. Assists in advancing the mission of the 大学 through team工作.  对十大彩票平台和/或他/她的工作环境产生积极影响.

资格: Must have completed one year of service at the time of nomination. Open to any full or part-time 十大彩票平台 employee.  助理副总裁、副总裁和总裁不符合资格. Nominees whose job description includes these duties are not eligible.

提名: May be submitted by any member of the 大学 community or community at large. Self and/or immediate family member nominations are prohibited. Anonymous submissions are invalid.

Please note, to access the form you must be logged into your 十大彩票平台 电子邮件.

目的: 对为知识分子提供机会的十大彩票平台员工所取得的成就予以认可, 文化, 在促进经济合作的同时,帮助我们的学生培养有思想的文化, 承诺, and socially responsible individuals.

标准: 被提名人通过他/她的社区参与和公民身份,为实现学生成功计划目标和推进学院使命做出了重大贡献. 被提名人必须有一致的内部和外部社区服务记录,以社区对活动的支持来衡量, 委员会, 和参与.

资格: Must have completed one year of service at the time of nomination. Open to any full or part-time 十大彩票平台 employee.  助理副总裁、副总裁和总裁不符合资格. Nominees whose job description includes these duties are not eligible.

提名: May be submitted by any member of the 大学 community or community at large. Self and/or immediate family member nominations are prohibited. Anonymous submissions are invalid.

Please note, to access the form you must be logged into your 十大彩票平台 电子邮件.