
的 学生成功中心 helps students overcome obstacles and to be successful in accomplishing their personal, 教育, 职业目标. 所有服务均免费提供给十大彩票平台学生.


One-on-one tutoring available in most subjects (based on the availability of tutors).

  • 成功教练会议(预约或预约)
  • NetTutor在线辅导 
  • 支持s for students on 学术 Warning and 学术 Suspension


你的 学生成功教练 is a professional staff member who will help you navigate the responsibilities of being a student while balancing the demands and nuances of your personal life. 服务包括:

  • 学习技巧 
  • 时间管理技能
  • 组织技能
  • 自我保健策略
  • 利用校内外资源进行指导
  • 自我维权援助
  • 适应大学生活
  • 成功的计划
  • 消除学业成功的障碍

学生 who wish to schedule a campus or remote appointment with a 学生成功中心 (SSC) tutor should email SSC@sz-keshiwei.com 或致电(413)755-4715. 你的 email or voicemail should include your student ID#, 可以联系到你的电话号码, 你有空的日子和时间, 和课程(英语比较1), 化学, or Algebra II) and professor for which you are seeking support. When leaving a message on the SSC voicemail, please speak clearly and be specific.

In-person appointments will be available on a limited basis for the Spring 2022 semester and 根据导师的可用性. 远程辅导将继续提供.

导师的时间表将在网上公布 学生成功中心门户页面. (须登入十大彩票平台帐户)

的 tutoring schedule will specify if tutoring is on campus or remote.

一旦预约好了, the student and the tutor will receive an email confirmation with the tutor’s name, 包含约会细节.

A Google 日历 invite will be sent to both the student and the tutor. 当学生通过点击YES接受提醒时, a Google Hangouts link will be available to them in their calendar. 学生 will use that link to meet up with their assigned tutor during the designated day and time.

现在的学生应该去参观 学生成功中心页面 十大彩票平台学生门户网站stccnet.sz-keshiwei.com (login required) for more information on services.


NetTutor is an online tutoring platform available 24/7. It is tutoring support for students whose schedule may require times that may not be available through the tutoring services provided by the SSC or may need help after SSC hours (see hours below).

To access NetTutor, click the link below and log in with your 十大彩票平台 Account username and password.



学生 at 十大彩票平台 are expected to maintain their academic performance in order to satisfactorily complete their certificate or degree program. 的 学术地位政策 states that students who are placed on academic warning will be placed on suspension, 如果在他们下个学期之后, 他们没能达到最低限度 2.0的绩点 需求.

What should you do if you are placed on 学术 Suspension? You should take immediate action, because when being placed on 学术 Suspension:

  • 你的 student registration account gets placed on hold  
  • You become in jeopardy of losing your financial aid award.
  • Additionally, if you have already registered for the upcoming semester, your classes will be deleted.


  • 提交 休学申诉电子表格.
  • Once the E-Form is received by the 学生成功中心 (SSC), you will be sent the link to the calendar with the dates available to meet with the 学术 Review Board (ARB).
  • 的 ARB (a caring support team of staff and faculty members) will discuss best practices and ways to ensure that you are set-up for success for the upcoming semester.
  • 记住, in order for you to be eligible to register for the upcoming semester, 你必须上诉.


星期一: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
星期二: 远程操作
周三: 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.
星期四: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
星期五: 远程操作

*小时 may be impacted due to holiday and other college closings


地点: 爱尔兰共和军H. Rubenzahl学生学习共享地(B19),
2nd 图书馆旁边的楼层  
电子邮件: SSC@sz-keshiwei.com